In the past few years, we have seen a surge of adults become diagnosed witH ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. While it has been commonly diagnosed in children appearing in about 1 in 20, growing awareness and even Tik Tok reels, have led adults to be diagnosed by specialists.
So what is ADHD? Characterised by impaired executive function, the DSM-5-TR (The latest edition of official medical diagnoses used by professionals) defines it as this:
"ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder defined by impairing levels of inattention, disorganization, and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity."
There are many reasons so many adults are only now being diagnosed professionally with ADHD. Experts agree that it is a genetic family trait, and often it is missed, or misunderstood in the person as a child. This is particularly common for females.
Having ADHD isn't a character flaw – it just means your brain works differently to the categorical, often western way, society chooses to operate. By learning more about ADHD, people who live with this can be empowered to live out their authentic identity, and adapt their life so they can thrive.
How can we support people with ADHD?
For those of use without ADHD, we undoubtedly know someone who has it. And the best way we can support them is to learn more! So we have collected six great infographics about ADHD that show us how to love, support and empower our loved ones.
*Watersedge does not provide ADHD assessments, we simply hope these infographics equip and empower you as you navigate your mental health journey. For more information, visit the links provided.
The strengths of ADHD
Infographic by Jesse J Anderson.
Visit the website here.
Understanding ADHD Paralysis
Infographic by Dani Donovan.
Visit the website here.
Procrastination with ADHD
Infographic by Future ADHD.
Visit the website here.
Healthy sleep habits for people with ADHD
Infographic by he's-extraordinary.
Visit the website here.
Understand how a person with ADHD perceives things
Infographic by The Mini ADHD Coach.
Visit the website here.