Here's the story of a lovely lady Who was bringing up three very lovely girls. All of them had hair of gold, like their mother, The youngest one in curls. Here's the store, of a man named …
Coping With The Impending Grief And Loss Of Your Parent
The grief that is attached to watching your parents age can be confronting and painful. You experience grief as you observe their ever-diminishing capacity to function as they once did. There is …
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Family Transitions: The Empty Nest
You have invested possibly 17 - 25 years of your life into your son or daughter. The years hold memories of laughter, tears, celebration, struggle and pain. As a parent there have been times when the …
Family Transitions: On Becoming an Adult
A common issue for many parents with young people living at home , is how to deal with behaviour that challenges parental rules and expectations. I have 2 young people living at home and my husband …
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On Tolerating Our Differences
I still remember the first time that I recall feeling different. My family had relocated from a White Anglo- Saxon suburb in Geelong to an inner city suburb populated by Greek/Italian migrants, in …