We all feel anxious at different times in our lives. Whether we are stressed about bills, relationships or work, it is a physical and mental sensation we all must work through. For many of us, anxiety can be far more than a momentary feeling, and we live with an anxiety disorder which causes unnecessary and unhealthy worry about many aspects of our lives. This can also negatively affect our physical health.
This infographic by Global Medical Education shows us some of the signs and symptoms of anxiety, and reveals how it affects our society.
Have you ever felt your chest tighten up, your breathing become faster, and simultaneously felt panicky and stressed? Chances are you’ve experienced anxiety.
It can be hard to define anxiety, simply because it can come in many different forms. Some people will feel social anxiety, others will find it expressed in Obsessive Compulsive tendencies, and still other people will have phobias. There is no one definite cause for why we experience these feelings and physical symptoms, but those of us who struggle with Depression and other medical conditions can find that we also experience anxiety.
So what can we do to alleviate this and care for our mental and physical wellbeing? Just because we experience anxiety or an anxiety disorder, does not mean we are left alone to struggle. There are many ways to treat and cope with anxiety. From medical remedies, to psychotherapy and counselling or natural techniques like meditation, many of us are able to go on living fulfilling and happy lives. If you or a friend is showing signs of anxiety, be kind to yourself and ask for help. Nearly 29% of us will experience an anxiety disorder during our life time, and it is important we know that we don’t have to do this alone.
If you continue to struggle with feelings of anxiety, sadness, despair or thoughts of suicide, it is important that you seek professional health assistance as soon as possible to help you recover. Talking to your G.P. and/or a counsellor can give you the additional support you need to help you. If you would like to speak to Colleen for additional support you can contact her on 0434 337 245 for a FREE 10 minute discussion or go to BOOK ONLINE NOW.
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