After two years of shutdowns, social distancing, working from home, and home schooling we are entering a new phase of pandemic management referred to as ‘living with COVID’. Our challenge is to adapt and accept COVID’s presence and the potential of infection as we conduct our daily lives.
The transition from being directed by government to follow certain rules designed to mitigate the impact of the virus in the community, to being self-directed is stress-filled and anxiety provoking.
As a parent you have the pressure of having to decide what your child will be involved in. You invite their disappointment if you judge the risk to be too great. An invite to a party for a friend’s celebration or to a lunch at a busy restaurant produces anxiety. Your job may require that you see people face to face and you feel stressed to the point of being unwell.
If you are feeling stressed and anxious about a particular decision you face, here are 5 steps to guide you:
- Acknowledge why you are feeling this ambivalence? (Writing down your thoughts will help clarify). Are you putting yourself or a loved one at risk? Do you feel overwhelmed or scared?
- Are you experiencing pressure from others to make a decision you feel uncomfortable with? Being a people pleaser, being afraid of disappointing or upsetting others, or trying to ‘mind-read others will inevitably set you up to make poor decisions.
- What is your gut instinct? It will be an accurate and honest voice that will guide you towards the decision right for you.
- How important is this? If you make a certain decision, who else will it impact? Does it matter in the context of your own health and well-being?
- Practice self-compassion. Will this decision put you at risk and increase your anxiety? If the answer is ‘yes’, choose to take the road toward self-care and compassion.
You may find that by talking about it with a friend or counsellor will help you process and come to a right decision.
Are you feeling stressed and anxious living with COVID? Would you like to talk about how you can better navigate the daily decisions facing you right now? You can contact Colleen on 0434 337 245 or Duncan on 0434 331 243 for a FREE 10 minute consultation. If you are ready to book an appointment with Colleen or Duncan click BOOK ONLINE NOW.
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