Recovering from alcohol dependence is a difficult journey to make. Having been dependent upon alcohol for a long period of time, it takes real courage, determination, persistence and personal discipline to maintain sobriety. If you have only recently become sober then the chance of relapse is very high. Having a structured program to keep you focused and distracted from thoughts of alcohol is essential to recovery. To ensure recovery, it is important that you also get to know yourself better. How do you do that?
Here are 3 discoveries you need to make that will help you stay on track:
1. Discover the right counsellor for you.
Your readiness to change
You did not feel that the counsellor connected with you
The counsellor’s particular style of intervention did not work for you
Don’t be put off. It frequently takes a few different counsellor’s before you come across the right counsellor for you.
Don’t do it alone. You need ongoing professional help to keep you on track, motivated and accountable.
2. Discover who you are
Don’t know where to start? Counselling can act as a ‘guide’ to self discovery. A counsellor is skilled in the art of listening and asking the questions that can help lead you to your true identity.
3. Discover what you are passionate about
Passion gives meaning to your life. It energizes you and inspires hope. It allows you to dream you dreams and imagine a different future.
Do you rely on alcohol to get through the day? Contact Colleen on 0434 337 245 or Duncan on 0434 331 243 for a FREE 10 minute consultation on how we can best help you or book online now.
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