Did you know that it is possible to rewire your brain? Trauma means we all have some unhealthy beliefs about ourselves wired in our brain through neural pathways, and this impacts every facet of our life.
One way we begin to rewrite these lies is through affirmations – speaking a truth and matching this with life-giving behaviour is key to being the healthiest version of yourself. Scientifically, this etches a new, healthier path in your brain so over time you are able to actually believe and live out these behaviours.
The Innertune app gives people a practical way to rewrite their brain through affirmations. Addressing everything from love, health and parenting to wealth and sleep, the subscription-based app provides a number of curated playlists, matching affirmations with associated music that will enforce the statements you are hearing. You can choose the voice that states the affirmations or say them yourself.
The customisation of Innertune makes it adaptable to each user. It asks you to identify your goals and will curate a playlist for you based on this. Plus, the sheer number of playlists means you will find something you relate too. The fact Innertune offers playlists for navigating grief, postpartum, anxiety and heal from heartbreak allows you to choicefully care for your mental health and well-being.
That being said, don’t approach this app and assume that just listening to it will change your life. The affirmations range from statements about your innate worth and value, to manifesting circumstances like fertility, wealth and a healthy relationship. There is something to be said of self-fulfilling prophecy – where the person instigates what they think will happen through subconscious prompts. And we know the body can do extraordinary things through positive thinking. The app could go hand in hand with this. But in some cases, the affirmations are more wishful and require a sense of wisdom.
For example, you can work towards building a healthy relationship with your partner, and affirmations like “Our love is stronger than arguments and fights,” can assist you in developing trust and resilience. But if your partner isn’t willing to put in the work, or you are in an abusive relationship, these affirmations could dilute the importance of seeking professional support. And if you are having trouble with your schoolwork, saying “I am a successful student,” won’t change the outcome if you don’t do your homework or ask for help from a tutor. But if this affirmation empowers you to action these things, then that’s a game changer.
Innertune is a great tool in building confidence and rewiring the brain, and its accessibility means you can listen to it while you’re sleeping, exercise or during work. But if you have a goal, make sure you are also working towards it practically. Whether you see a financial advisor, speak to a doctor, attend therapy or go to the gym, your actions will dictate your future. The affirmations will empower you to get there.
Connect with Innertune here
Do you want to develop a healthy mindset? Would you like support as you overcome self doubt? Contact Colleen on 0434 337 245, Duncan on 0434 331 243 or Rachel on 0442177193 for a FREE 10-minute phone consultation on how we can best help you, or press book now and make an appointment.