We are in the thick of December, and with it comes holiday parties, family get togethers, and special events. These are all wonderful – but the stress of these can be overwhelming.
If the holidays are already a hard time for us due to family estrangement or illness, it’s an even bigger mental load. And add in the extra financial pressure and a to-list longer than Santa’s naughty and nice list, by the time New Years rolls around we are physically and emotionally spent.
The good news is there are some simple ways to cut back on stress these holidays. Tips, tricks and strategies to make these moments easier, and give you a sense of control.
The team at Happify put together an infographic exploring 19 ways we can de-stress this December. These include:
- Practice mindfulness meditation to boost your immune system
- Get outside and clear your head
- Exercise
- Eat mindfully
- Practices chores mindfully
- Don’t over schedule
- Adjust your expectations
- Travel off peak!
- Unplug from email and social media
- Practice gratefulness
- Laugh with your loved ones
- Practice generosity
- Create holiday traditions for yourself
- Take a personal time out
- Share positive stories
- Volunteer
- Plan ahead before shopping
- Thank your spouse/partner
- Thank your family and friends
How can you cut back on stress this holiday season? See the infographic below.