Extroverts often get a hard wrap. They are exuberant and outgoing, and when this is not managed it can leave other people (especially introverts!) feeling bulldozed and drained off all their energy. …
Understanding Bulimia
What comes to mind when you hear the word ‘Bulimia’? Perhaps you think it’s the same as Anorexia. Maybe to you, it’s a problem ‘skinny people’ have, a self-indulgent fad that people overcome when …
10 Keys to Happiness
Do you every stop and think, “If only I had this…” or, “Once this happens, I’ll be happy”? A lot of us live in a state of discontent, always thinking about what could be, and what needs to happen in …
7 Ways to Get Through the Winter Blues
Summer is over and the crinkling of autumn leaves is underfoot. Where I live, we are already experiencing what seems like multiple seasons in a day, and we’ll go from the intense heat of a summer day …
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How to Cope With Stress
Stress is everywhere. It appears when your phone beeps in the morning, and you receive a text message asking you to arrive at work early. It comes when a bill arrives in the mailbox, when the in-laws …
The Long Term Effects of Heroin Addiction
It is increasingly common for people of all walks of life to use heroin. It is no longer just a teenage fad, but a drug which enters workplaces, damages relationships and can do long term harm to a …
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