Around the Easter break, stress comes to the forefront of our lives. We’re rushing to finish all our work in time for vacation, or we bring it home to get on top of everything. Then there’s the …
What is trauma?
Trauma is far more common than we realise. Some people experience it in childhood and others develop it from an event, such as war or a life-altering accident. Trauma can also occur when people …
How to find love (and keep it) with Adam LoDolce of Sexy Confidence
When it comes to romantic relationships, everyone seems to have more questions than answers—except for Adam LoDolce. For the last several years, he has been coaching women on how to find the love they …
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The Power of Vulnerability
When it comes to relationship and human connection, the common fears many of us share are around our worthiness. Am I worthy of love? Am I allowed to ask for this? Am I good enough for this …
Redefining Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
It is a single thought, triggering feelings of anxiety in my stomach that gravitate upwards towards my brain, and down towards my feet. It sweeps in, its dark cloak hiding the light of reality, …
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How to find common ground in your relationships when you have different political values
Politics has always been somewhat taboo in society. While we discuss the pros and cons of different laws and events, no one ever stated how they voted, at least until the events of the past few years …